Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thankful...BC Tennis Style

What I'm thankful for...

1. I'm thankful Luke has a driving camera, it keeps safe all the people that he hauls around to play tennis with.
2. I'm thankful for Jared's lanky good looks, keeping the women fans interested in the team.
3. I'm thankful that Jonny changed his name from Jonathon, constantly confusing me when and others when I call out names to split up teams.
4. I'm thankful that Johnny has an "h" therefore its at least different on the lineup sheet, oh, and that somebody else loves Copeland like me.
5. I'm thankful that Jeremy didn't kill Jordan K. when he attacked him at tennis camp two years ago. That could have happened.
6. I'm thankful that Daniel asks a lot of questions, or coaching would get really boring.
7. I'm thankful Mikey only yells at himself whens he's mad, not his teammates. It's much more comical that way.
8. I'm thankful for Matt's spiked hair. Nobody else approached that level of cool all year.
9. I'm thankful for Ben Mast's quietness in having the BEST JV SEASON EVER! (There I said that loud for everyone)
10. I'm thankful for the hours of sleep I lost last winter getting up to play tennis on a gym floor with Seth.
11. I'm thankful for Kyle's dedication to baseball, even though...never mind, it's too easy to take a shot at baseball... I'm thankful for Kyle's sarcasm, because it reminds me to stay on his good side :-)
12. I'm thankful for Russell's willingness to play hard even when he felt like he was going to throwup because he played right through --- oh wait, he did throw-up... on the court...and I had to clean it up.
13. Really I'm thankful for Austin's improvement; sarcastically I'm thankful for his coughing all through tennis camp.
14. I'm thankful for Will's words.
15. I'm thankful that Jared C. is a great soccer manager, or tennis player, or both?
16. I'm thankful that Misha rocks the right hand forehand.
17. I'm thankful that Nick rocks the left hand forehand (doubles domination anyone?)
18. I'm thankful that Weston brought the crowds for senior night!
19. I'm thankful that Claude doesn't run cross-country anymore, now he just buzzes around tennis practice.
20. I'm thankful that Jake is tall. I mean, how else could he put down those amazing smashes at the net?
21. I'm thankful that Justin is a ninja. Or a native American warrior. Or is going to be a very sarcastic comedian. Or knows that that Internet is tubes...or whatever...
22. I'm thankful that Harrison played this year, and fixed the sound for me for chapel!

I am thankful that I've got to know all these guys. It's been a great season and I look forward to spending more time with all of you throughout the off-season and into next year.

Sarasponda to all, enjoy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

All-Time Records Against Other Schools

Up to date as of 9-14-2022

vs. Prairie Heights --- 26-1
vs. Triton --- 21-2
vs. Churubusco --- 19-3
vs. LaVille --- 17-4
vs. Howe Military --- 15-0
vs. Fremont --- 15-5
vs. Northwood --- 14-16
vs. Mishawaka --- 12-1
vs. Blackhawk Christian - 10-0
vs. Rochester --- 8-2
vs. Bremen --- 10-10
vs. Goshen --- 9-16
vs. Jimtown --- 10-24
vs. Eastern --- 8-1
vs. Taylor --- 8-1
vs. Wabash --- 8-3
vs. Lakeland --- 6-2
vs. Tippecanoe Valley --- 6-6
vs. Westview (V) --- 6-10
vs. Fairfield --- 6-26
vs. Mishawaka Marian --- 5-3
vs. SB Clay --- 4-0
vs. MC Marquette ---4-4
vs. FW Canterbury --- 3-4
vs. Westview (JV) --- 3-1
vs. Elkhart Central --- 3-5
vs. Northridge --- 3-16
vs. Concord --- 3-17
vs. SB Washington --- 3-0
vs. South Adams --- 2-0
vs. Columbia City --- 2-2
vs. New Haven - 1-0
vs. Portage --- 1-0
vs. Merrillville --- 1-0
vs. SB Riley --- 1-0
vs. Penn --- 1-0
vs. West Noble --- 1-0
vs. Northwestern --- 1-0
vs. Elkhart Christian --- 1-0
vs. Lafayette Central Catholic --- 1-1
vs. Chesterton --- 0-1
vs. New Prairie --- 0-1
vs. Warsaw --- 0-1
vs. Western --- 1-1
vs. Elkhart --- 0-2
vs. East Noble --- 0-2
vs. Lebanon --- 0-1