Friday, September 13, 2024

I really like the way... South Bend Washington


Varsity Recap
Tonight's match was only a varsity match. We welcomed the Panthers on a beautiful night, only to find that 2 or 3 of their players couldn't make it to the match. So rather than having some doubles matches to play, all the matches would be singles matches.

So, after the Panthers ran through their warm-up drills we got right into the match. Noah's opponent was the same that he had played last year. However, this year the Panther #1S had much more consistent and reliable groundstrokes and serve. Noah was able to counter these things with great movement and tempo around the court. In the end, Noah's consistency wore down the Washington #1, like it does to so many opponents.

#2S in this match was Judah. He continued his fantastic play to start the season by serving well and having a very relaxed manner of play. He groundstrokes and serve caused his opponent's contact point to move, and that was a difficult thing for the Panther #2 to deal with. For many players, this dealing with finding a consistent swing while moving to the ball is the next step. Judah was able to draw misses and easily get through his two sets.

#3S was Dominic, and he did a very similar thing to Judah. His opponent was consistently having to deal with the ball coming at different levels, sometimes bouncing high and sometimes dropping in front of him. Dominic did a nice job of staying positive and focused throughout the match. He also won rather easily.

In the end, we enjoyed watching the improvement of the Panthers team. We continue to root for so many of the teams in the area, hoping that the joy that we've experienced with tennis can spread to others.

JV Recap
As the varsity only had three players, there was no JV match tonight.

I really like the way...
This will be a segment of each match report where I'll highlight amazing things - points, efforts, encouragements from the match.

- I really like the way we went through this night together
Tennis is a sport where things change quickly. #1D found out they wouldn't be playing only 40 minutes before the match. Practice matches were made a bit more difficult by people who were feeling sick or just weary. It was girls soccer senior night. So many things were competing for our attention and focus.

And yet... everyone adjusted with GRACE. #1D jumped into a practice match that really challenged them. Coach Daniel agreed to jump in and be a part of that. Malachi and Silas grabbed teammates who they don't usually team up with to do a doubles challenge. After the match was done, Josiah and Aaron invited others to hit around just for fun. Lucas and Isaya jumped in and had a super high quality match against each other.

Then, when it was all over, we gathered across the street from the school at Dominic's house and just enjoyed each other's company. Madden, ping pong, hot dogs, conversations about a wide range of topics... it was a good night. I am GRATEFUL for this group.

God, I loved the time that we got to spend with people tonight. With our opponents, with our teammates, with parents of teammates. I am grateful for time where I see these young people thriving in community. That was on display in many ways tonight. Thank You.


#1S - Noah Schrock - 6-0, 6-0 - Eric Bailey (11)
#2S - Judah Miller - 6-0, 6-0 - Gustavo Perez (10)
#3S - Dominic Ramer - 6-0, 6-0 - Jacob Mnichowski (10)
#1D - Emerson Landis/Keagan Meyer - Won by default
#2D - Gideon Miller/Ethan Claassen - Won by default

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