Saturday, August 24, 2024

I really like the way... Goshen

Video Story 

Varsity Recap
So close!

We haven't beaten Goshen in a couple of years. They've got such a good program right now, filled with players who love tennis, play hard, and a lot of really good people that our players have grown up being friends with. It's a friendly, respectful rivalry that also has implications for our Sectional. We've cheered on their success over the past couple of seasons, but we also want to win.

And tonight was close. We started our match with such great energy again, just like the Northridge match. At #2S, Gideon led the way in getting off to the fastest start. It's interesting to say "fastest," because he's really building his leads on consistent tennis. His movement and rhythm continue to be fantastic, and it was really fun to watch him take a confident, straight-forward win in this match. Also, I really like the way that Gideon has found a celebration ritual that is positive yet not overstated and showy. A simple turn a fist pump to his coach or team, it's really shows his belief.

#2D, Dominic and Ethan, also jumped out to an early lead. They went back and forth in a tight set, leading 4-3 and playing with confidence and electricity. They were being smart and aggressive, and that combination of well struck shots without red-lining ("red-lining" in tennis is when you are swinging as hard as you can, just aggressively trying to crush everything). Movement was great in this set, so it was great to see them on their toes and moving with the short, quick shuffles. They took the first set 6-3.

Likewise, Noah got off to a good start in what was obviously going to be a tight match. He led early by a break of serve, but quickly the match started going back and forth and back and forth. It ended up in a first set tiebreak, which was following the same pattern until 3-3. Then Noah won a string of points with aggressive groundstrokes, forcing errors from his opponent. He took a 6-3 lead in the tiebreak and converted his final set point by forcing another error. So, Gideon had won, and #1S and #2D were up a set.

At #1D and #3S, we were in close first set that kept teetering back and forth. Judah continued strong play from Tuesday, but was up against an opponent with slightly more weapons. The Redhawks #3S had a strong serve and also an approach shot that was difficult to handle when he hit it well. I really like the way that Judah was moving, but points in this match continued to be long and grueling. Judah dropped the first set with just a one break difference. Emerson and Keagan suffered that same fate, and actually in a similar way. Their opponents were clearly strong strikers of the ball and volleyers, but Keagan and Emerson really were holding their own. They needed to be consistently on the attack without having too many mistakes. This first set was close, but they also fell, 6-4.

In the second sets of those #1D and #3S matches, it was hard to find momentum. When the first set is lost, the beginning of the second set is so crucial. It's a reset, a chance to have a fresh slate. The first set is history and has to be let go. It's important to re-engage at the beginning. Unfortunately, both #1D and #3S got into 4-1 holes to start their second sets. All three players stayed positive, trying to mount comebacks. Some of our best tennis came as we tried to pull ourselves out of those holes and put the pressure on. #1D asked some questions of their opponents with great serves. Judah red-lined for a game or two and tried to find some cracks. But in the end, we lost both in straight sets.

Which meant we needed to win both Noah and #2D to win the team match. Also unfortunately, we had lost both second sets in those matches. At both positions, we had become tentative with our feet - maybe losing a bit of focus and purpose after tight first sets. Our opponents were swinging freely, and so our shots were becoming tentative as well. We lost a couple of games and had to try to fight back. Noah went from 5-2 down to having an ad-point that would have tied it at 5-5. But we lost both second sets... so it came down to the third sets at those positions.

In the third sets, both positions came out with electricity. Our team has actually become really good from starting positions. The quick, confident steps were back for Ethan and Dominic. The confident, controlling groundstrokes were evident from Noah. Each position took a 3-2 lead. 

Then, two tight and crucial games for #2D. With Ethan serving, a couple of amazing shots from the Redhawks and a couple of simple errors from us made it 3-3. The 3-3 game was an epic struggle. It went to deuce about 6 times. We had several ads, as did the Redhawks. We made solid returns and made the Redhawks try to find aggressive ways to win the point. But as the game got longer, our feet got slower. This happens as we get nervous, as our desire to win the game increases and our desperation does too. When we feel that feeling, we've got to send it to our bouncy feet, to shadow swings, to the songs we're singing confidently in our head. But in this match, the Redhawks came through and took a 4-3 lead. From that point on, it felt like we were fighting uphill. Dom's service game saw us make a couple of errors, and then Goshen served it out for a 3-6, 6-0, 6-3 win. 

That was the point Goshen needed for the team match, but Noah was still playing for the #1S victory. He had continued to focus on energy and controlling the points. Leading 4-2, I liked the way he was staying calm and positive. Regrettably, at this point his opponent starting cramping. It's always a bummer to see your opponent in pain. Sure we want to win, but we really hurt for these opponents that we respect so much when they are hampered with injury. Noah was able to continue controlling the play, and won the set 6-2 to seal his first individual win of the season.

So, well played by the Bruins and the Redhawks. It was a fun match, a close match, and a great one to learn some things from! I really liked the way we kept trying to bring the energy and confidence. That will keep paying off!

JV Recap
The match against Goshen was a really good match for Bethany. Especially at the top positions, we kept things competitive. And yet, in these matches, we were able to see places that we need to improve. 

Malachi played #1SJV. He has amazing hustle, a skill that is vital for playing singles. It allows for him to always be in the point, as he sprints to every ball. Isaya struck the ball beautifully again tonight, keeping it deep in the court and making himself really hard to attack. Lucas started his match moving beautifully and taking the little steps necessary to make strong groundstrokes to control the point. Silas and Aaron showed impressive net reflexes and volleying skills. Josiah and Ender flew around the court, trying to become masters at winning points when the patterns break down and its a scramble. And Eli and Preston both improved their volleying, even from the first match. And up and down the line, I saw my favorite thing of all - bouncy feet!

And yet, there were things to continue to work on. Serves are the main thing - I'd really suggest looking back at this post on the blog and doing a search for serving videos. Also, confidently following through our swings is important - especially in big points when things get tight.

As far as individual matches, Isaya and Lucas really started out well with confidence and smooth groundstrokes. They both won their first sets with a 4-1 score. It was awesome to watch. The other positions started with good energy, but maybe more tentative strokes or maybe a lack of focus. We need to remember that our goal coming out is to move and bring our best. That means both our best focus and a willingness to swing away. 

At Goshen, the JV played best 2-of-3 sets, but the sets went to 4 games. So in the second sets, I think we recovered a bit more belief, a bit more focus. These sets were closer, especially Malachi pushing into a long match at #1SJV. Aaron and Silas pushed their opponents and almost turned things around. Isaya was able to zip right through his second set, and got the Bruins our first team point. On the other side, Lucas's opponent (our former teammate Gabo!) changed his strategy and made it a bit harder on Lucas. Lucas dropped the second set and then the third set tiebreak as well.

In the second round matches, the ninth graders teamed up as did the sophomores. Josiah and Eli couldn't quite find the rhythm in their match, but especially their returns and groundstrokes continue to get better. I'd love to see them find a way to attack a bit more. Ender and Preston were definitely in attack mode, but we're still working some mistakes out of our game and trying to find consistency. 

Overall, a happy match for the Bruins. We played against challenging opponents, and we love the challenge. We got better, and that will continue!

I really like the way...
This will be a segment of each match report where I'll highlight amazing things - points, efforts, encouragements from the match.

- I really like the way Noah finished his match
In the first two matches of this season, Noah's #1S's opponents have been going for broke. Any ball that lands short, they've been pounding approach shots and trying to put Noah in difficult positions. Noah was playing great defensive tennis, but we needed him to find spaces to dictate and control the play. Places to be aggressive. And Noah really came through. A great example of this was match point, where Noah defended beautifully and then cracked a forehand cross court winner (you can see it on the reel!) I really liked the way Noah picked his places of aggression and finished the match.

- I really like the way Isaya played with confidence and positivity
Isaya worked really hard this summer to become a better tennis player. It can be seen in his wonderful groundstrokes and the way he improved his volley. But, as often happens with improvement, it was taking a while to seep into his results. The Northridge match, he hit the ball really well, but couldn't quite win the point. Tonight, all that flipped. Talking to him after the match, he said that he had figured out some ways to be positive and confident. It showed, and I liked the way he was able to put new mental skills into practice. 

- I really like the way Ender hustled
Ender is always hustling and giving his best. I noticed from the first open courts of the summer, right through camp, and all through our practice season. Now, it's continued right into his season. Tonight, he sprinted the baseline from side to side - covering the baseline behind his partner. In one particular point, he crushed two forehands in a row before his partner got lobbed. Ender sprinted to his right, into the doubles alley, to cover the lob. Then the ball got lobbed again, this time to the left baseline. Ender sprinted to this ball as well, flicking it back in the court. A volley came down the middle and Ender pumped another forehand into the court. He was flying all around with such electricity!

- I really like the way we rally around for our team cheer
We have a silly team cheer. I admit, it's a goofy, little, sing-song cheer. But I love it because of the confidence and togetherness it takes to say. And I love that we have embraced it. The way we take something like that - that could make us vulnerable - and do it together... that's so amazing. Being vulnerable in a community that takes care of you, that's a big part of the way of Jesus.

God, Tuesday was an exciting end to a match, to end with victory is so fun. Tonight, we weren't able to have that same feeling. Remind us that all of life is about walking in the right ways. May we not despair when things don't go as he hope. May we have the patience and determination to keep up our effort in the ways we've agreed and in the way of Jesus. Thanks!


#1S - Noah Schrock - 7-6 (5), 4-6, 6-2 - Kyan Miller (12)
#2S - Gideon Miller - 6-1, 6-1 - David Stutzman (12)
#3S - Judah Miller - 3-6, 2-6 - Mo Watt (11)
#1D - Emerson Landis/Keagan Meyer - 4-6, 2-6 - Ian Saner (12)/Isaac Moore (10)
#2D - Dominic Ramer/Ethan Claassen - 6-3, 0-6, 3-6 - Tristan Keiser (10)/Jordy Miller (10)

Junior Varsity
#1SJV - Malachi Yoder - 0-4, 2-4 - Liam Post (10)
#2SJV - Isaya Magatti - 4-1, 4-0 - Ethan Sloan (9)
#3SJV - Lucas Bateman - 4-1, 0-4, 0-10 - Gabo Brenneman Ochoa (11)
#1DJV - Silas Martin/Aaron Hochstetler - 2-4, 2-4 - Andrew Hughes (10)/Leo Herber (9)
#2DJV - Ender Finnigan/Josiah Aguilar Clark - 0-4, 0-4 - Michael Troyer (10)/Aiden Saner (9)
#3DJV - Eli Steiner/Josiah Aguilar Clark - 0-4, 0-4 - Nathan Corbin (11)/Shaun Paetsch (10)
#4DJV - Preston Miller/Ender Finnigan - 0-4, 2-4 - Tristan Schmitz (10)/Josh Soto-Macias (9)


  1. Malachi managed 2-4 in his second set, even though one of his contacts was broken. That was total Malachi moment

    1. Love it! Add that to the things I really liked in the match :-)


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