Thursday, September 12, 2024

I really like the way... Westview


Varsity Recap
In the varsity match, we knew we were in for a close, long match. At the beginning, it became apparent how close it would be. Games were close at every position, with the difference being one or two points here or there. 

In the doubles matches, we were crushing the ball from the baseline. The first video I took was Emerson absolutely pummeling a forehand, then a backhand and then a passing shot. Unfortunately, we also found ourselves setting up the net player too often. Westview did a beautiful job of floating to the middle of the net when they saw us aiming crosscourt. They had a sharpness, quickness and aggression at the net that put them in really good positions. Ethan had a lot of great forehands, Keagan was so solid, and Dominic attacked from the midcourt, but we couldn't drive Westview off the net. All of this led to us kind of always feeling like we were on the back foot, in a defensive position. We couldn't quite overcome that on the big points of each set. Despite that, I was really proud of the effort and the groundstrokes. I really liked the way we bounced-back each game from and continued to challenge the Warriors, but in the end Westview took both doubles points.

In an 0-2 hole, Noah provided the first match win for the Bruins. His consistent, low ball pressure drew errors and allowed him to set up attacks. Noah mixed up his game beautifully, and was able to serve really well after the #1's traded breaks to open the match. Noah also had a huge advantage at the net in this match. If a point was drawn close to the net, Noah won a vast majority. With these strengths, Noah put away a comfortable in the end, two set victory.

So it was down to the Miller brothers to see if we could pull out a team victory. Both were in intensely close matches that made them deal with nerves. Gideon won a back and forth first set, that saw him trying to find his best tennis. He served well and won big points in pressure moments. His perseverance was strong. Finding his best tennis and confidence, he then took a 4-1 lead in the second before the nerves hit and a slight leg injury began to affect Gid. His Warrior opponent found also some aggression and forced some errors as Gid tightened. The second set was tied at 4-4. But Gideon remembered that he can outlast, as he pulled out his card and read how we believe in him. He fought through the nerves and soreness, kept the ball in the court and found the aggressive shots when needed - a dead on lob and a passing shot. Gideon won two straight games, and tied the team match at 2-2.

And again, it came to #3S. Judah had played a tight first set and lost. He was trying a style of tennis that was not his most natural, but that seemed like he needed. At the end of the set, Daniel helped him adjust back to a more natural styles. This marked the beginning of outstanding play from Judah, some of his best of the season. He was serving remarkably, finding passing shots, drawing errors. He won the second without dropping a game, 6-0. This excellent second set to sent his match into a deciding third. 

In the third set, things started out tight. Judah won the first game, but quickly his streak ended as the Warrior #3 got a game right back. But Judah didn't let it affect him. Daniel kept remarking at how much he loved Judah's energy, as he clapped his opponent's good shots and shook it off. The third set traded games, Judah taking a 4-2 lead then being tied back up at 4-4. In an important game, Judah held serve to lead 5-4. 

When you are nervous, you have to rely on the shots you know you have. You also rely on support from your teammates, and the team was giving him encouragement. After a series of long rallies and nervous mistakes, Judah was able to win the match and secure the final point for the Bruins!

What a match. I was so proud of the mental strength we showed in so many ways. Not only in bouncing back to win the singles matches despite our nerves, but also in the matches that weren't going our way. When we stay with it like this, we will improve to our very best levels!

JV Recap
In the JV match, the Bruins were coming off a long night against Fairfield's JV. Each player had to play 3 matches in the new heat. With those conditions, and the strength of the Fairfield squad,  we lacked a little energy and belief. But tonight against an equally talented Westview squad, we were ready. 

We didn't win every position. In fact, we lost the match 4-2. But there were close matches and good tennis throughout the team. Malachi was a little rusty after sickness, and couldn't quite find the shots he needed to help he and Aaron win a very close #1DJV match. Preston and Eli moved well, but didn't have the same touch that they needed. Isaya really competed well, getting out to an early lead before his opponent got a little separation on the scoreboard. And Josiah continued to build his footwork and coordination in singles, growing as the match went on.

Silas and Ender continued to build a winning way as well. Ender continues to figure out doubles and Silas continues to fly around and slam down overheads. I really like the way they are able to have fun together.

I also really liked the way that Lucas played. He was in a back and forth match that I wasn't able to see much of because of the varsity match. But what I know for sure is that he had to deal with getting nervous. This is always such an important exercise in tennis. We all get nervous and we all have to learn that we can get through it. After a back and forth opening to the 8 game set, Lucas found momentum and took a 7-4 lead. At that score, he got a match point, but missed the opportunity. Then his opponent closed the gap to 7-6. But Lucas regained composure, remained calm, and finished out the win.

These types of experiences are the building blocks. There are no shortcuts to gaining experience and playing under pressure. This group continues to learn and I am so proud of them!

Let's go Bruins!

I really like the way...
This will be a segment of each match report where I'll highlight amazing things - points, efforts, encouragements from the match.

- I really like the way Noah supported the singles in the most tense games
When Gideon went to 4-4 in his set, Noah decided to take advantage of the low fences at Westview. He sprinted over to the side of the net where Gideon was and each point gave Gid ENCOURAGEMENT - "You got this. You're good." When Gid won that game and crossed over to the other side, Noah crossed over too. He continued to lift Gid's spirits and then celebrate win with him. Then he turned and did the same thing for Judah at #3S, especially as Judah took the 5-4 lead. It was really inspiring thing to see.

- I really like the way the JV guys gathered around Josiah's match
Noah was just one example of the great support we gave one another in this match. Another example was Josiah's match, the last JV match on court, was all the way over in the opposite corner from Judah's (the last varsity match that was on). So the JV guys made sure that Josiah was not alone, trekking over to his corner and cheering on his comeback. It was inspiring to see us doing this. I really liked the way we were HOLDING UP one another.

- I really like the way we bounced back and persevered 
Nerves were a theme of the night - but so was OVERCOMING them. All throughout this match, the Bruins were put in situations that were difficult. Our opponent's were playing so well, and we found ways to press on. Whether it was pulling out our card in the middle of a game, or calling on our coaches, or thinking about Slash and guitar solos, or encouraging our doubles partner, or just letting go and going for it... we really were able to move through the nervous times. 

- I really like the way we believe in each other
When Keagan and Emerson came off the court, they were bummed. They hadn't won, we were down 0-2. They wanted to know how Judah was doing, at that point, he was down a set but up in the second. They had a confidence that he'd get it. But then they hustled down to give him support. I saw the belief in their match too. Several times one of them would get lobbed and they wouldn't even turn to see if their partner was going to get the ball - they had confidence that their partner would be their. That is fantastic BELIEF.

God, tonight was a gorgeous night. The weather was great. The attitudes were great. The competition was great. The companions were great. You are great. Please help us remember that every good and perfect gift comes from You. And there were good and perfect gifts everywhere tonight that had nothing to do with winning and losing. Help us cherish all of the good.


#1S - Noah Schrock - 6-2, 6-1 - Kaden Hostetler (10)
#2S - Gideon Miller - 7-5, 6-4 - Dylan Schrock (12)
#3S - Judah Miller - 1-6, 6-0, 6-4 - Ethan Miller (10)
#1D - Emerson Landis/Keagan Meyer - 0-6, 1-6 - Gavin Engle (12)/Kaden Grau (11)
#2D - Dominic Ramer/Ethan Claassen - 1-6, 1-6 - Luke Stults(10)/Pierce Yoder (10)

Junior Varsity
#1SJV - Isaya Magatti - 3-8 - Jaxon Miller (9)
#2SJV - Lucas Bateman - 8-6 - Kaleb Iddings (11)
#3SJV - Josiah Aguilar Clark - 3-8 - Lex Thompson (9)
#1DJV - Malachi Yoder/Aaron Hochstetler - 6-8 - Laban Bontrager (9)/Hudson Yoder (9)
#2DJV - Silas Martin/Ender Finnigan - 8-6 - Aaron Roth (11)/Carver Stump (10)
#3DJV - Preston Miller/Eli Steiner - 0-8 - Liam Brill (9)/Lex Thompson (9)

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