Thursday, August 22, 2024

I really like the way... Northridge


Varsity Recap
Today was our first match of the season. In our final warmup, the scrimmage, we didn't really like the way we came out of the gates. Tonight we determined that we were going to change that. Right from the beginning of our matches, we were going to play in a way of positivity, electricity and belief in our ability. 

And truly, that paid off. Most of the matches got off to very good starts. #1D won an easy game behind Emerson's serve. #2D saw Ethan come out with a lot of belief in his serve and hold for a game. Gideon jumped out to an early 2-0 lead with beautiful serving and consistency. Noah traded a pair of service holds. Really, only Judah's match at #3S saw us fall behind. I really liked the way we started.

Noah's matchup was certainly going to be the most challenging. Playing one of the better players in the area, Noah found that his Raider opponent wasn't giving him a lot of free points. Because of this, the whole match was a grind. The Northridge #1 had powerful groundstrokes, and so he was able to finish a lot of short balls for winners. I really liked the way Noah didn't let a winner get him down, but simply moved on to the next point. Despite the effort, the long games, the many deuces, Noah couldn't quite seem to find the finishing balls to force errors or hit winners of his own. In a long two set match, Noah fell 6-3, 6-3 to give the Raider's a point on the scoreboard.

In a match that ended about the same time as Noah's, #2D also found themselves on the losing end of a two set match. After the great start, Ethan and Dominic dealt with the nerves that come from one of our first varsity matches. Nerves tend to translate into timidity and standing still, as we become tight and want to feel more in control. The first set went the way of nerves. But I really liked the way Dom and Ethan came out in the second set. We were much more bouncy and believing in our shots. In the end, the second set stayed close - but some great shots near the end saw the Raiders collect their second position of the varsity match.

With the Raiders having 2 positions, they only needed one more to complete the team victory. But Gideon was cruising through his match. Sometimes the points were long, but Gideon played consistent tennis. I really liked the way Gideon was sliding and covering the court. He was making it feel like the perfect shot had to be hit to get past him. His opponent shifted tactics midway through the first set and began to attack the net, and Gideon simply took the time to line up his passing shot or lob. There was especially one point that was amazing as well, that I'll highlight in one of the sections below. But Gideon was able to deliver the Bruins first team point with a 6-3, 6-1 victory.

With the 2-1 score, we needed both #1D and #3S. Both matches were excellent matchups of teams playing at similar levels. In Judah's #3S match, the first set had gone long. Judah fell behind early but then kept keeping it close - pulling back from 3-1 and 5-3 deficits to take a 6-5 lead. I really liked the way Judah kept it positive in this close set. Despite grabbing the lead, the first set went into a tiebreak. A couple of errors late and a little bit of tense nerves saw the Raiders win a close tiebreak, and the first set. But I really liked the way Judah came out for the second set. There was no sulking or hanging his head, he came out with electricity. He showed that he was ready to play a long match if necessary. He won the second set and went into the third set with a lot of momentum.

#1D of Keagan and Emerson were also in a nail-biter. They played strong tennis in the first set, and I really liked the way they served all through the set. Their strong serves garnered a lot of return errors from their opponents, and put pressure on the Raiders to hold when their service games came around. The Bruins grabbed the first set, but then had a period of cooling off to start the second set. Down 4-1, they upped their energy and I really liked the way they brought back the electricity. They pulled back to 5-4, played an epic, long game that would have allowed them to tie the match back at 5-5. But the Raiders won that game and it was headed to a third set.

So, needing both third sets, they both started around the same time. And they were awesome. Just displays of some of the best tennis we can play. #1D continued their electricity and jumped out to a 4-1 lead of their own. They were bouncy and positive. They surged to the finish of their match with the same ingredients that had allowed them to take the 1st set - great serving and consistent returns. The team roared as they finished their match with a 6-1 third set.  There were high fives and hugs and then we headed down to Judah's court which would decide the match.

At that point, Judah had started the third set with the same type of energy. He was leading 4-1 when Emerson and Keagan's match finished. With the team coming to provide the extra boost, Judah won 8 of the next 9 points to seal his third set. He roared as the final ball sailed wide and the Bruins completed a comeback victory to defeat the Raiders.

I liked the way we started and I liked the way we finished. Way to go, Bruins!

JV Recap
The same thing the was true in the varsity match was true for the JV. I really liked the way we came out and started our matches. But even better, we seemed to hit the ball better as the matches continued. 

In our top JV singles matches, both Isaya and Aaron started out with a lot of effort. Isaya especially was impressive with his bounciness. This meant that even though they were a little nervous at the beginning, as the match wore on they became better and better at their groundstrokes. Their opponents were also really solid and really consistent hitters. To be honest, I liked the way the Raider JV singles stayed patient and played these matches as well. By the end, we were striking the ball so well. However, we couldn't quite find the ways to finish the long points on the winning end. Something to improve on :-)

In the #3SJV match, Lucas found himself matched up against a senior. A senior who had a really nice serve. But I really liked the way that Lucas kept good confidence and excellent footwork in this match. His footwork allowed him to be consistent, and consistency proved to be the key to defeating the Raider senior. Lucas worked points well with his forehand, and hustled like crazy. In the end, Lucas pulled ahead and secured a darkness-shortened 7-5 match.

In the doubles matches, Malachi and Silas were able to play two separate sets. In the first match, we seemed a bit timid. Often, we were making errors on simple shots or lofting the ball down the middle for their net player to finish. In the second match, I really liked the way we adjusted our mistakes. Silas swung more forward through the ball and Malachi drove it a bit better, instead of floating it. Also, we were able to be much more aggressive at the net. All of this led to one win and one loss.

At the second doubles position, Josiah and Ender played a fun match. It was full of crazy points and scrambling and volleys and sprints. I really liked the way we pursued everything, full of determination. Things didn't go our way, but I liked the way Ender came off the court with a plan in his head for what he could improve. 

Preston and Eli's match at the final doubles spot was much the same. Preston and Eli were full of hustle and concentration. These two have been getting so much better as the season has progressed. They were scrambling and moving. Serves continue to be something we have to be more consistent with, but the effort was top notch. I really love to see that.

So, the JV match ended 2-5, with the Raiders having just a bit more consistency to their play. Good job, Bruins!

I really like the way...
This will be a segment of each match report where I'll highlight amazing things - points, efforts, encouragements from the match.

- I really like the way Gideon retrieved
Retrieval is an underrated tennis skill that is really hard to teach. It is a combination of mindset, quickness, preparation, anticipation, soft hands, and hustle that is hard to put into a drill. Gideon's play style is full of it however. In this match, Gideon had a point that he won where he retrieved 3 overheads in a row, before a fourth overhead flew wide. I really like the way Gideon never feels like the point is over.

- I really like the way we played 3rd sets with energy
Two years ago, Bruin alumni Breece Erickson told Gideon and Ian McHugh that, "In a 3rd set, the player or team who has more energy always wins." That quote stuck with Gid, and as we entered the 3rd sets, he made sure to come and tell me to remind our guys. We did, and wow, did Emerson, Keagan, and Judah respond. It was inspired to see Judah bouncing around on his toes waiting to return serve. To see Emerson and Keagan turning toward one another in celebration. How awesome!

- I really like the way our singles hit the ball
In each of our singles matches, we really were striking the ball in the middle of the racket. I loved how clean Noah, Gid, Judah, Isaya, Aaron and Lucas were hitting. All tennis is built on consistency, so having that base of solid strikes allows us to build together. It happened in the doubles matches too, but it really stood out with our singles players.

- I really like the way we celebrated together
As the match got close, we got close. We stood behind Emerson and Keagan's court and gave them positivity as they tried to get over the line in their third set. With that energy, they flew through the set, full of confidence. Then the team transferred that energy down to Judah's court, and he won. Even at the end, we got behind Lucas, Malachi and Silas, and Eli and Preston who were still playing. Eating together and singing together capped off some great energy for the night. 

- I really like the way we continue to work
This morning, I drove into the parking lot and someone was hitting on the wall. It was Josiah. He's continuing to work. After the match, Keagan came up and asked about working on his serve. He won, but he's continuing to work. In practice yesterday, we had a good energy. We are continuing to be responsible and accountable for our growth.

God, not every part of every match is good. Not every part of the season is feels good. But tonight's match felt good. Thanks for that feeling. We pray that we get to feel it again throughout the year. Also, remind us that how we feel isn't the only thing that matters. Remind us that building the relationships around us, encouraging others, allowing others to encourage us, keeping our eyes on You - these are the things that matter. Even when things don't feel so good, those important things will still be there. So let us lean into You and lean on one another. 


#1S - Noah Schrock - 3-6, 3-6 - Seth Lomas (10)
#2S - Gideon Miller - 6-3, 6-1 - Josiah Schrock (11)
#3S - Judah Miller - 6-7 (6), 6-1, 6-1 - Peyton Graber (11)
#1D - Emerson Landis/Keagan Meyer - 6-3, 4-6, 6-1 - Aden Yi (12)/Ollie Burnstine (11)
#2D - Dominic Ramer/Ethan Claassen - 2-6, 4-6 - Jayden Ramirez (11)/Joseph Snyder (11)

Junior Varsity
#1SJV - Isaya Magatti - 1-8 - Ty Stahly (9)
#2SJV - Aaron Hochstetler - 3-8 - Graham Taber (9)
#3SJV - Lucas Bateman - 7-5 - Gavin Mullins (12)
#1DJV - Malachi Yoder/Silas Martin - 2-8 - Grant Kauffmann (9)/Miles Hainlin (10)
#2DJV - Ender Finnigan/Josiah Aguilar Clark - 3-8 - Finn Schmidt (9)/Silvan von Holzen (11)
#3DJV - Malachi Yoder/Silas Martin - 6-0 - Jacob Stephens (9)/Grant Walker (9)
#4DJV - Preston Miller/Eli Steiner - 2-6 - John Stephens (11)/Caleb Miller (9)

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