Friday, September 6, 2024

I really like the way... Prairie Heights


Varsity Recap
This was our first match in more than a week. It followed the Labor Day holiday weekend, where we had three days off of official practice (though I know some players got out to hit with their friends :-) It also followed our Senior Trip, where our three esteemed twelfth graders hung out in Gatlinburg, Tennessee for 5 days and did not hit any tennis balls.

So, we were unsure what type of tennis we were going to see played. And that made me a bit anxious. We were playing a second team in a row that was returning their entire varsity lineup from the year before. Actually, teams returning many players is a theme that we'll see throughout this season. And it means that we've got to be prepared for polished and prepared players. The Panthers were ready to go and looked sharp in this match.

Actually, we looked sharp too, to start. Noah was the first varsity match to get underway, and he began the match with two straight aces. It looked like I was really going to like the way we started matches again! But then Noah followed that with two straight double faults, and it looked like it might be a struggle for us to find form. 

As I began to walk up and down the line, it was evident that no one was quite hitting their stride early in the match. Prairie Heights team all had strokes and serves that bounced low and fast, and our feet were a little behind, our timing was a little off, and our belief was being shaken.

That wasn't as true at the #2D and #3S positions, both Judah and Dominic/Ethan started off by grabbing 3-0 leads. Dominic was striking groundstrokes well and Ethan was serving well, enough that #2D reeled off the first set with a 6-0 scoreline. Playing against the least varsity-tested Panthers, the doubles teams shots and especially their energy was causing problems. Moving into the second set, the Bruins took a 4-0 lead. A lapse in the energy cost Dom and Ethan, as the Panthers sensed it and picked up their level. The Bruins recovered though to seal a point for the Bruins.

Judah continued to make his way through the set as well, but couldn't finish with the 6-0 scoreline. Instead, his opponent rallied to make points long and make Judah have to work. Judah used new skills to mix up the points, and always felt like he was in control. He continued through the match, but his match began to last longer than the others because of his opponent's "Style 0" strategy.

In the meantime, Judah's brother was moving along at #2S. Gideon had started the match with some difficult serving, but after figuring out the wind he began to cruise. Gideon used his serve and his groundstroke variety to put the Panther #2 in difficult positions. As the Prairie Heights #2S player continued to come forward, Gideon found passing shots and lobs that had too much pace and movement for his opponent. Gideon actually was the first off the courts with a point for the Bruins.

Our seniors slogged along a little bit in the first set. Noah got a big lead but then lost his sharpness. A lack of focus followed by a lack of confidence definitely began to plague him. But he didn't succumb to it. I really liked the way we responded tonight. We didn't give in to some of the dullness and drain that we felt. Noah began to move with conviction again and trust his game. He didn't lose very many points after that change.

#1D had an interesting match as well. They continued to serve beautifully, but were struggling off the ground at the beginning. The Panthers also lobbed well and had quick hands at the net, so were not coughing up very many errors. They were making us, with our rust and bits of doubt, have to finish the point. And we were, but not in the way we wanted to. 

But everything starts with electricity and footwork, and Keagan and Emerson put a little bounce back in their step. After being down 5-4, they found their momentum and their groundstrokes. With some amazing volleys and smart decisions, the aggressively charged forward and took the set. Again, a little mental relaxation dug them a bit of a hole in the second set, as the Panthers reasserted their serves and volleys. But then Keagan and Emerson responded again, flashing that brilliant tennis they've had through the first week. They ran off 6 games in a row to take the match.

Judah was still finishing up. Firmly in control, he served out the final match of the varsity with a 6-2, 6-1 scoreline. I really liked the way that Judah played in control, as it exemplified what we want our players to do. Great job Bruins!

JV Recap
The JV match was similar in results. Bits of improvement are still needed across the board, but things were solid in the important areas tonight. We continued to move, and I will say this every time, I really like the way that we stay bouncy and make short, quick movements to set up our shots. We also stayed consistent on the big shots, like points at 40-30 or the Ad points.

I really like the way that Malachi has begun to hit his forehand. There is beginning to be a flow, a repeatable pattern for attacking that groundstroke. In his match, when he could move to that stroke, he was in charge of the rally. He was able to do that enough, and be consistent on the important points, to win 8-4 at #1SJV.

Then Isaya continued his run of strong play at #2SJV. Since dropping his first set on JV this season, Isaya has won 3 straight matches while only dropping 1 game (8-1, 8-0, and 8-0 in those sets)! I really like the way that he's made mental shifts and continues to improve both the physical and mental parts of his game. Tonight, he won with a combination of powerful topspin but also speed and touch. 

At #3SJV, Lucas played a difficult match. Difficult because he was also dealing with a physical ailment, as his shoulder continues to bug him. Lucas made the hard switch of changing service motion mid-match, going with an underarm serve to save his shoulder. But I really like the way that he loved the challenge that brought. He responded to one problem by becoming better at another part of his game - his footwork. He moved quickly and established a wide base for hitting his shots from. This allowed him to take advantage of short balls and end points. 

Aaron and Silas were also victors tonight, at #1DJV. Their strength in this match was in their groundstrokes. I mean, Silas had a couple of his trademarks slams from the net - which are always fun to see. But I really liked the way that Silas was driving forward and through his groundstrokes, and the way that Aaron shuffled into good positions to drive his forehand especially. These groundstrokes are looking really good, and I can't wait to see them push forward.

In all, the JV secured the 4-0 win. As the sun set over the plains of U.S. 20, we drove off singing our "Sarasponda" victory song :-)

I really like the way...
This will be a segment of each match report where I'll highlight amazing things - points, efforts, encouragements from the match.

- I really like the way we talked to one another
"C'mon, we can get 6 in a row. Let's do it!" That's what Keagan said to Emerson after they had lost some focus and dropped the first two games of their second set. I really like the way this type of talk sets a positive tone for the match - focusing on what we can do. I think that is probably the most positive word that this team can own - CAN.

- I really like the way we regained energy
When we are tired or off our game, one of the first things that can go is our energy. We get frustrated, we might pout, we might talk negatively under our breath... all of these things give away our energy. Tonight, we did some of those things. But what I really liked, I liked the way we would turn around and create energy. We brought positive affirmations to ourselves and others, echoing quite a bit across the courts. I liked the way that we got bouncy when things weren't going our way. Energy isn't something that just happens, it something that we CREATE. I loved the way we tried to do that tonight.

- I really like the way we served
Okay, we were a bit rusty. But one thing that quickly shook that off were the serves we were able to hit. They truly did some damage. Noah got several aces, and his serves were often returned long. Gideon's serve was unreturnable for his opponent most of the match. Judah got easy points. Keagan and Emerson used consistent serves and low, dippy, spinny serves to draw return errors. Dom and Ethan used good serves to set up net finishes. Malachi served consistently, Isaya won points from his serve, Silas and Aaron set themselves up... and Lucas figured out how to underarm serve :-) 

Serving is a skill that we have total control of, it doesn't depend on our opponent at all. It's a skill that's easy to practice - you can always grab a cart and head to a court and hit 50 serves. It's a skill that you can study - look at the YouTube channels at this link. It's something we did well with and can continue find IMPROVEMENT.

God, we have prayed this year for the way of this team. I pray primarily that our way follows you. I am so grateful for the love and presence that You have for us, whether we are attentive to it or not. But I pray that we are attentive, so we can really receive Your affirmation and joy, so that we can follow You in sharing that with others.

May we be people of positivity and electricity, not only as a team - but sharing that with others as well. May that ripple through our school, through our community, through our interactions with other teams and players. May we trust You and believe that Your way is truly the best.


#1S - Noah Schrock - 6-4, 6-0 - Landry Keipper (11)
#2S - Gideon Miller - 6-1, 6-0 - Brady Strater (11)
#3S - Judah Miller - 6-2, 6-1 - Chase Hayward (10)
#1D - Emerson Landis/Keagan Meyer - 7-5, 6-2 - Keegan Gorman (11)/Braeden Morr (11)
#2D - Dominic Ramer/Ethan Claassen - 6-0, 6-2 - Sean Bontreger (11)/John Graziano (12)

Junior Varsity
#1SJV - Malachi Yoder - 8-4 - Luke Johnson (9)
#2SJV - Isaya Magatti - 8-0 - Koltan Vallaincourt (11)
#3SJV - Lucas Bateman - 8-4 - Aiden Jewell (10)
#1DJV - Silas Martin/Aaron Hochstetler - 8-2 - Michael Messer (9)/Landon Wylie (9)

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