Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Award Winners: 2008

Last night we had our awards ceremony, and I am very proud to announce the winners of these official awards:

Team MVP: Jared Schwartzentruber
Coaches Award: Luke Hostetter
Leadership Award: Johnny Kauffman
Sportsmanship Award: Daniel Buschert
Most Improved Award: Jared Schwartzentruber
JV MVP: Ben Mast

And these unofficial, but just as significant awards:
Undefeated Individual Records: Matthew Amstutz, Seth Krabill, Russell Klassen
Most Valuable to Team Unity: Matthew Amstutz
Sectional Semi Final MVP: Mikey Kelly
Sectional Final MVP: Jeremy Thomas
Most Concerned About Team's Chances: Daniel Buschert
Hardest Workers (Off-Season): Luke Hostetter, Jared Schwartzentruber, Daniel Buschert, Jonny Shenk, Seth Krabill
Freshman Award: Blake Shetler
JV Most Improved: Austin Loucks, Misha Rebec, Nick Rebec


  1. i have to say that i greatly envy daniel for his "Most Concerned About Team's Chances" award :)...i probs had to be there to understand that one.

  2. Yea, Daniel asked me basically every day after practice how I thought things were going, who his doubles partner would be, when I thought that Johnny would be healthy, when I thought Mikey would be healthy, what the lineup was going to be for Sectional, etc, etc, etc. If you want that award from somewhere in the future you'll just have to be obsessively inquisitive.


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