Catching Up With... 5 Questions for 2009 Freshman Ryan Minter
1. Why are you deciding to play tennis next year?
Because I like playing tennis and the tennis team does a lot of fun things. I played soccer in middle school because there was no tennis team, but tennis is better than soccer.
2. Who do you already know that is on the tennis team?
Austin Loucks, from working the concession stand together last night! Russell, because my sister had a couple of parties and everybody remembers Russell.
3. What do you think of the things you've already done with the team (like concession stands and open courts)?
They were really fun because everybody included me like a member of the team even though I haven't officially joined yet. That makes me feel good, because, I don't know...
4. What are your tennis goals for next year?
I would like to win half of my matches, and I know I'll be playing JV, so maybe that will be possible.
5. What are you most looking forward to?
Team camp, because I get to go seek people during hide-and-go-seek. And I'm going to be awesome at it, even if Russell hides in a dryer.
Ryan here is my tip for you. If you want to find people just say "wow I wish I had night-vision goggles" it works every time... ask Blake.