TR #8: Morning People
I am a morning person. I love getting up before the dawn to welcome it.
But seriously, I think that most people are most productive in the mid morning. I mean, my best classes of the day are second through fourth period, all before lunch (not so close that people are getting hungry) but yet not right after people get up and get here to school. ISTEPs are usually scheduled for the morning because people begin to lose focus in the afternoon. In middle school, we have our core classes in the morning, the "important" ones.
What's interesting is that sports is never given this time period, to practice or to play. And when it is (summer two-a-days), you guys usually get up right before practice then sleepily yawn through the first hour of practice (not that I blame you, it is the end of summer).
Wouldn't it be awesome if sports practices could somehow be moved within the school day? Like, you get up and come to school, first period you have Pre-Calculus, then second and third period is Tennis, then fourth period is English, etc., etc. Think of what a great break that would be! Think of the productivity of that tennis time, the energy boost it would give to the rest of your schedule!
It would be awesome!
Or not.
Just an idea. With the school changing schedules a bit next year, maybe I'll suggest it!
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