Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday Tennis Tip: Question Time?

Okay, so I've exhausted the topics that I really wanted to write about this winter as far as tennis tips go. So, now it falls to you, the faithful commenters.

What things about your tennis game should I research more and bring back the answers to? What strokes are your weakest? What strokes do you want to dominate? What situations confuse you?

Ask you questions please? Otherwise I'll just revert to the questions I received when Courtney and I presented chapel...

Just kidding, didn't mean to get you excited.


  1. I think you should talk about serving and volleying, both in singles and doubles (when you should and shouldn't, and how to make it work the best)

  2. i think you should talk about how when you hit a solid passing shot, you have to step up expecting the short ball or stab volley...it annoyed me a lot how our team never did this in drills when it always seemed so obvious to me.

  3. That is an obvious one Luke, that I should bring up at some point. Sometimes the obvious ones I forget to talk about. Serving and volleying is more difficult, I think I'll have to do more study. My personal theory is to put pressure on in doubles, that's why I pressed doubles to do it all the time. In singles, hmmm... good question.

  4. how about this:

    can you seriously buy those sweet shirts?

  5. pretty much any type of volleys i could use as much instruction as possible with. not that you haven't tried . . .

    and to the anonymous chapel questioner, yes you can buy those shirts.


Got some input? Feel free to post below!