Thursday, August 9, 2018

Devo #2: What pretends to matter and how to respond

"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." 
Galatians 5:6

While coming back to the core of Christ and doing that while walking with others is the only thing that matters, it isn't the only thing that SAYS it matters.

We hear lots of different voices in our heads, and some of them try to say they are more important than faith. There are three main motivations, three main lies, that set themselves up as most important.

These are the lies...
- The most important thing is what you accomplish.
- The most important thing is what others think about you.
- The most important thing is what you have.

And these lies affect us all differently. Over the course of the season, we will work to address each one of these lies with the truth of Jesus. For now, I simply want to point this out. 

This is the TRUTH.
- You are enough (Romans 5:8)
- You are a brother (Matthew 12:46-50)
- You can be grateful (Philippians 4:4-9)

As we move into the competition season, breathe these truths in. If you are fearful, if you are anxious, if you are desperate... Find stillness, silence, and solitude. Take a deep breath. Know you are loved.

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