Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Senior Statement: Cameron Heinisch

Cameron is a solid tennis player. He’s one of those players with no real weakness, every part of his game holds up to the pressure. He whips his forehand cross court, finds pressure serves, has the touch for a drop shot, and can create angles with his volleys. He has many tools in his toolbox, so to speak. That has made him equally adept at playing singles or doubles this year, positions where he has split his time. And he has brought all his passion and emotion to those positions, fighting to give this team the best chance at success possible.

During his time as a Bethany tennis player, Cam has faced all sorts of challenges. His sophomore season began with him being asked to step up onto the varsity for the first six matches. His junior season saw him make the incredibly difficult leap from #1SJV to #1S on the varsity. This season has seen it’s fair share of challenge as well, adjusting from doubles to singles sometimes within the same day. But there have been plenty of great memories along the way, like when Cam won 10 straight games to defeat NorthWood last year, or when he and Breece handled the tiebreak pressure and took down Westview.

Some of my favorite Cameron memories come before or after practice. He’s the one who is hanging around after practice, talking to guys that are down on themselves. He’s the one listening to them and encouraging them. He’s the one before practice helping guys blow off steam from a difficult day of school. He’s the one speaking up for others when practice is a little too intense, or when I came down too hard on someone. He’s the one who puts the team dynamic front and center.

And that’s something about Cameron that is amazing. He has put his heart into this team. He has dared to love people. Sometimes people let you down, and the danger of loving is that it sometimes hurts when others don’t care as much as you do, or don’t try. But Cameron in many different areas of his life, Cameron has chosen to dive into relationships. I mean, listen to his words of wisdom from the Senior Night program - “Life is bigger than tennis, make sure to find ways to enjoy your life and the people around you.” He gets it, that it is the people that you’ll remember, the people that will make the memories, the people that you can give and receive from. He’s an amazing young man. I love you, man!

Verse: Romans 12
Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply.

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