Sunday, June 29, 2008

Camp Week Top Ten

Now that all the players have returned, exhausted, to their homes, I thought I'd post a camp week top 10. These are simply things that happened during the week, some funny, some serious, some tennis, some not. Add your own memories in the comments section below!

10. Recognize. Remember. Bless. Pray.
9. Deathstick.
8. Blisters (the bottom of Jonny's foot basically fell off) , flip-flops or crocs to practice (Coach Matt and Matt), barefoot speedball and other feet issues
7. Talking about awesome magical powers of crystal skulls and how they will save us from the end of the world in 2012 (and other assorted craziness) with Luke, Seth, and Kyle
6. Luke, Jared, Matthew's endlessly changing drinks at Ruby Tuesday
5. "You, sir, are taking over this match."
4. 7 racquets with broken strings
3. "I wish I had night vision," singing the chicken dance, "Who built the ark? Noah! Noah!," and the other assorted samplings of our hide-and-go-seek seeker, beloved freshman Blake Shetler
2. Ruby Tuesday's Brittany
1. 18 guys, 8 practices, thousands of groundstrokes, hundreds of serves, striving to be champions.


  1. i would add jonny shenk's comment in the bus about going into a rage and maybe punching someone that week because he felt like it

  2. Another great moment was Jared ordering at pizza king. He said "We'd like 2 waters, 3 waters, 4 waters, 5 waters," as we kept saying we wanted water, and then we got the order which had 2 written down, then 3 written on top and 4 on top of that, and then all of that scribbled out with a 5 written big beside it.

  3. And you can't forget after the match when we were pulling into Jeremy's driveway really sharp and Bushert starts screaming "JARED, JARED, JARED, JARED!!!"

  4. I only said it 3 times, and my last name is Buschert.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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