Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Senior Statement: Tyson Miller

I have so many good memories of Tyson as a player. Most of them involve his intensity and effort. No one hustles around the court like Tyson. In fact, no one almost injures themselves like Tyson. I still remember last year when Tyson leaped backwards trying to return an overhead smash from his opponent and landed on the side of his face. He is such a striver, in the face of every challenge.

This hard work has paid him off well on the court. Last summer, I challenged the team to complete 30 individual workouts, and he finished them. He has put in work, and he has made tremendous strides. Tyson’s JV record, compiled during his freshman and sophomore years, is 4-14. And yet, today he is poised to break into the top 20 of all-time victories for a Bruin varsity player. How did he take such a jump? He commits to staying in every point.

To our team, Tyson has been a leader. Leading stretches, leading in attitude, leading in effort, leading in actually leading a practice. He is committed to making the program better by putting in his best. And I have loved seeing perform his best under different pressure environments. Last year, he helped provide the winning point in two of our most intense matches - victories over Concord and Elkhart.

But though he works hard and leads, I value him most as someone who is faithful. He is always showing up, always willing to be there for others, and is very dependable. In an uncertain environment, it’s good to know that someone is there for you. And I hope Tyson knows that because of his faithfulness, everyone is there for him as well.

Verse: Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

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