Monday, September 16, 2024

Senior Night - Emerson Landis

Son of Tara and Lucas Swartzendruber Landis. Emerson has been a constant on the Bruins varsity team since his 10th grade year, when he started playing #2D in the middle of the season. He’s been someone who pushes himself to do his best during the tennis season, practicing with the intent to improve his skills and perfect his game. Season after season, he has added new skills to his repertoire. A great example is how he’s added a killer topspin forehand to his game when he could hardly hit topspin for his first 2 years on the HS team. I love watching Emerson let these weapons loose and play with confidence.

My favorite tennis memories of Emerson come from these times, when in close matches he trusted his weapons and had epic moments. His 10th grade year defeating NorthWood with Tristan, last year taking down Elkhart with Adam, and this year winning the match for us against Northridge with his fellow senior Keagan. In those matches, Emerson served with confidence, trusted his partners, and had so much fun. Emerson is laid back most of the time, but I love to see him excited and joyful during and after these amazing performances.

Another thing about these awesome matches is what it reveals about Emerson’s character. In each one of those matches, he and his partners faced difficulties. In two of the matches, he had to come from behind in the first set to take it. This year against Northridge, he had to bounce back from losing the second set. And when Emerson faces difficulty, you can see it. He cares and he wants to do well. But where some might fade and tailspin, Emerson has a stick-to-it-ness that brings him back. He might be down for a bit, but he is faithful to come back.

He can be hard on himself, but he learns, takes encouragement and comes back stronger. That’s a true talent, a great quality to take into the wider world. In these things, he has always continued to be a great teammate and friend as well. He has had an instrumental role in making this team into a positive, electric, and believing place.

My prayer for Emerson is that he continues to see difficulties and weaknesses as opportunities, ways that his faithfulness and God’s strength can shine through. Here is a verse that reminds me of Emerson and my hope for him...

2 Corinthians 12:9
My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

I appreciate you and all you’ve done for Bruin tennis, Emerson! We will miss you after this season!

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