Monday, September 16, 2024

Senior Night - Keagan Meyer

Son of Melissa Thomas and Travis Meyer. Keagan has been an encouraging leader and teammate all four years of his high school career, as well as playing important roles for the varsity the past two seasons. Keagan has always been someone who pumps up the team - both with words and effort. This year he’s transitioned to a very important piece of our #1D team with Emerson. But even more importantly, he’s been a person who continues to point us the way of positivity, electricity, and belief in our ability.

My memories of Keagan’s matches are all about his grit. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him give in. He’s worked hard, taken instruction, and committed to movement. He’s worked on his confidence and consistency. I remember him out with Breece and Ethan in his early high school years, taking extra time to try to figure out his serve or forehand. Just this summer, he was one who texted several times for me to come out and help him figure things out. My favorite drill was having him serve through a whole match, and imagine the pressure of it. Then, I got to see him handle that pressure in a real and important match as he helped us defeat Northridge for the first time in 10 years.

But my memories of Keagan will extend beyond any matches won or lost. He’s a leader to look up to. He’s one who welcomed my own son onto the team, heaping encouragement on Judah and the other freshmen this summer throughout camp and summer tennis league. He’s one who leads us through stretches, starts the echoes out in a match, goes to lead the cheering section when someone needs it to finish out a victory. He’s someone who comes up and requests, “Can we go out on the court and lift him up when he wins.” He’s someone who turns to his doubles partner before the third set and says, “Well, we won the first set 6-3, so why not win this set 6-1?” Then they go and do it... twice.

My prayer and hope for Keagan is that this leadership builds strong bonds around him, and around his world. That his way in the world continues to build positive, electric and full of belief. Here’s a verse that reminds me of the type of person that Keagan is...

Philippians 2:3
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Keagan, I really like the way you’ve been a leader and a friend. We love you, man!

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