Monday, September 16, 2024

Senior Night - Noah Schrock

Noah is the son of Mandy Yoder and Jon Schrock. He has been a Bruin varsity player for four seasons. Over the course of those seasons, he has won more matches than any Bruins player in the history of the tennis program. In winning so many matches, Noah has thrived on consistency and a mental attitude that sees any match as a problem he can ultimately solve. He has so many tools in his toolbox, from a big serve to all types of spin. Truly, he’s a fantastic player, the best the Bruins have ever had.

Noah has given us many memorable matches. Some of the first that spring to mind are all of his match-ups against Wawasee’s #1 that have been ridiculously close. I’ll remember great matches where he provided winning points, back in his 9th grade year against Prairie Heights or last year against Elkhart. I’ll remember his run to the Individual Sectional final last year, or his being named to the All-District team - one of the top 12 players in all of northeast Indiana. This year has already given us great tennis as well, a top flight battle against Goshen and Saturday’s tournament.

But I’ll also remember other things about Noah. He’s the most coachable player that I’ve ever coached. He has the ability to do a lot of different things, and he listens, takes in the information, and understands. He’s willing to try something new and doesn’t panic if it doesn’t work on the first point. This means a lot to me, because it shows he trusts his coaches (one of which is me 🙂) He also stays calm, but then let’s go with positive emotion. You rarely see Noah muttering around in frustration, but you might often see him brimming with a confident “Let’s go!” He models this so well! And this season, I’ve seen him growing in his leadership and excitement for all of his teammates. He was dancing around after we beat Northridge, even though that’s his only loss on the season. He was standing at the fences, encouraging Gideon and Judah as they tried to close out Westview. Coachable, calm, and caring.

My prayer for Noah is simple, that the patience he has in playing this way on the tennis court transfers right over to the other areas of life he will lead. He reminds me of this verse...

Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Noah, may God bless the ways ahead of you with grace. Thanks for the player and person you’ve been for us!

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